Many Italian recipes begin with a battuto and a soffritto.
A * battuto is a flavor base of finely chopped raw ingredients.
Usually onion, celery and carrot or garlic, parsley and chilli pepper
A battuto becomes a soffritto when it is gently sautéed in olive oil or butter until they become soft and caramelized, imparting their flavors to any ingredient that follows.
Wash and dry the chicken livers, make sure the bitter gall is removed ; Chop up all the vegetables to prepare the “battuto” *. In a large skillet heat the olive oil and add the battuto to make a soffritto; sauté, stirring often until the soffritto is golden and now add the chopped livers. Mix well, add the wine/vinsanto and allow to evaporate. Now add the anchovies and capers and cook for about 20 min. If you need more liquid you can add stock or hot water.
Remove the pan and whip with some butter and if you like lemon juice; mince with a mixer to obtain a smooth puree but if you prefer a rustic character and you are “patient” use the traditional mezzaluna
Season with salt and pepper and spread it warm on the toasted bread slices
Now enjoy a good glass of Tuscan red wine coupled with crostini!!!
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